- 創業200年の歴史 -
About Takaiya “200 years of history”
日本料理「日光 髙井家」は、江戸後期文化2年(1805年)現在の地に創業いたしました。古くは東照宮のご造営とともに日光に移り住んだ先祖が、当初「栗山蕎麦 髙井屋」として開業し、日光山輪王寺門跡の宮様より「鎹山」(かすがいやま)のご紋章を賜り、代々髙井屋山三を襲名してまいりました。髙井酒袋(しゅたい)との別名を持つ先祖は一升酒を楽々と飲み干し、御前で一糸乱れぬ蕎麦を打ったという言い伝えがございます。
The Japanese cuisine restaurant "Nikko Takaiya" opened in the present location in the late Edo period (1805). In the early days, our ancestor moved to Nikko along with the construction of Nikko Tosho-gu Shrine and opened Soba noodle restaurant "Takaiya". He was given the crest of "KASUGAIYAMA" by His Imperial Highness, the head priest of Rin-no-ji Temple, and has been succeeded to the name of “Takaiya Sanzo” for generations. It is said that our ancestor, also known as “Takai Shutai (“Sake bag” in kanji)”, drank an entire bottle of sake with ease and made Soba noodles without a hitch.

The taste of Takaiya’s Soba noodles was loved by many famous writers and artists during the Meiji and Taisho periods (early 20th century), and it is said in some documents that Katai Tayama and Doppo Kunikida even made it one of the pleasures of visiting Nikko. In the Taisho era, we delivered freshly made Soba noodles to the nearby Tamozawa Imperial Villa with the official gate pass of the Imperial Household Agency. However, as time went by, the many water mills used to make buckwheat flour in the neighborhood disappeared and it became difficult to obtain high-quality buckwheat flour. Nowadays, Takaiya’s Soba noodles are only served on special occasions.

Since the opening of our restaurant, we have been serving special meals related to the
festivals of shrines and temples of Nikko over 200 years, and today, Yuba cuisine (Nikko
specialty) is also widely appreciated by many guests. It is a great honor for Takaiya to be
loved by the imperial family, artists, and local guests over many generations, and more
recently, overseas guests from all over the world.
We will continue to produce the traditional taste and challenge to meet the needs of the
times here in Nikko, a place blessed with beautiful nature and a long history.